Survivor’s Guilt

Survivor’s Guilt

“Survivor guilt (also called survivor syndrome or survivor disorder) is a mental condition that occurs when a person believes they have done something wrong by surviving a traumatic event when others did not, often feeling self-guilt.” (Wikipedia) I never gave much...
A Mother’s Hug…

A Mother’s Hug…

Sometimes we just need a hug. Sometimes we just need a good crying fest and a hug to relieve ourselves from built up anxiety, frustration and stress. Last Tuesday I received the wakeup call I so desperately needed. After weeks of riding the waves of uncertainty,...


“Your mother gives you your identity as a woman” (Iyanla Vanzant) hmm-mm I don’t know…Is this really true? I will be able to agree or disagree at the end of my release. I have been rather hesitant to write this post, and the others that will follow, I agonized over...